RAM Legal Services
Practicing Exclusively U.S. Immigration Law in San Francisco, CA & Miami, FL
Ross A. Militello, Esq.

RAM Legal provides years of government experience to corporations and individuals facing prosecution by Immigration & Customs Enforcement, seeking benefits from Citizenship & Immigration Services, or appealing to the Federal Courts for vindication of their civil rights.

Removal And I-9 Enforcement
Ross A. Militello served as a DHS prosecutor under both the Obama and the Trump administrations. His knowledge of the Immigration Court system and the Department of Homeland Security's prosecution of non-citizens and the employers of unauthorized workers are valuable assets when the fate of person's immigration status or a company's existence is in the balance.
Ross A. Militello has experience advising individuals seeking employment opportunities in the United States along with corporate clients on visa solutions for their non-citizen workforce.
Civil Rights
The Department of Homeland Security is the world's largest law enforcement agency. Be prepared with the knowledge and experience of a former DHS prosecutor to vigorously defend your civil rights in all circumstances.

Former DHS Prosecutor
Ross A. Militello served as a prosecutor for the Department of Homeland Security before the Immigration Courts in Miami, FL; San Francisco, CA; and Houston, TX. His experience can help you understand your rights in removal proceedings and make the best decisions for you and your family.

Former Advocate
Prior to serving as a DHS prosecutor Ross A. Militello began his legal career at a nationally-prominent immigration law firm in Miami, FL where he represented corporate clients and high-net worth individuals and families seeking expedient and discrete solutions to a variety of complex immigration issues.

RAM Legal is a law firm focusing on representing individuals and companies in all aspects of Immigration & Nationality Law
RAM Legal provides the following services:
- Representation in removal proceedings before the Immigration Courts and the Board of Immigration Appeals to either protect or obtain a client's immigration status
- Advise and audit companies as to their obligations under the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) to prepare and maintain Form I-9s for each employee
- Representation for companies defending against the imposition of civil fines for violations of their Form I-9 obligations under IRCA
- Representation before U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services to obtain immigration benefits based on family relationship, employment, investment, cultural value, and recognized distinction in a particular field
- Representation for individuals seeking to become naturalized citizens of the United States, also known as naturalization.
- Representation of individuals who are threatened with the loss of their citizenship
- Advise criminal defendants as to the immigration consequences of certain criminal convictions
- Representation of individuals and companies before the Federal Courts to protect and vindicate the clients' civil rights from government overreach and abuse

Call or email us with any questions you may have.
English: (786) 509-0504
Español: (415) 802-7669
English: ram@ramlegal.com
Español: cfeltrin@ramlegal.com
RAM Legal Services is proud to represent foreign nationals nationwide in all aspects of their immigration cases. Representing clients in South Florida and the San Francisco Bay Area, RAM Legal Services is available on both coasts!